Monday 25 February 2013

Supervisor Meeting 3

I recently had another meeting with my supervisor, he was sick for the past few weeks, so it was good to finally meet up after a while. I was stressing out as the build for my game is not working as it should, but I was again reassured that this is a normal part of the development process and to just keep trying and ask for help from other student programmers and lecturers which I did and it has been very helpful so far. Simple problems that I spent weeks on were solved or put in the right direction in a feew short seconds.

Here is what we discussed:

Meeting Agenda:

·        Recap the progress of the project after 3 weeks.
·        Show the current game build and art work related to game.
·        Discussion on how to approach the dissertation.
·        Newly found relevant research pertaining to honours project aim and objective.
·        Show the presentation slides.

Progress Report:

·        The game is running in a very basic form.
·        The dissertation structure is being established.
·        A critical framework is being developed for the project.
·        Further research on the theory of fun.
·        Learning contract reviewed and signed.

Agreed action points:

·        Show the progress of game mechanic research within Unity.
·        Show some aesthetic development through your sketches or practical work.
·        Continue drafting out the dissertation, start the abstract.
·        Show some of the new research on aesthetics and mechanics and create a draft framework.

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