Monday 11 February 2013

Supervisor Meeting 2

I had my 2nd supervisor meeting with Dayna, this week there wasn't as much to discuss as we discussed a lot of things in depth the previous week, although the project is coming along fairly well. We discussed that it would be nice for him to see some of the systemic progress of the project and he wanted to see the development of the game so if I had any issues I could ask academics for assistance.

Here is what we discussed in detail:

Meeting Agenda:

·        The 2nd meeting to discuss the week’s progress.
·        Discussing relevant research to assist in the project.
·        Discuss the approach to tacking the dissertation.

Progress Report:

·        Some more in depth research that is relevant to the dissertation was done.
·        Started to learn Unity 3.5 which will be used to create the final project.
·        Did a few hours of life drawing in sketchbook.
·        Created more in-depth sketches of game concept.

Agreed action points:

·        Show some of the game in Unity for the next meeting.
·        Start drafting the dissertation out, even just the introduction.
·        Show some of the new research and discuss it next week.
·        Discuss your programing issues with Grant.

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