Friday 1 February 2013

Supervisor Meeting 1

I had my first meeting with Dayna to discuss my project on a supervisor basis, I was stressing out about having to produce and show a lot of work, although Dayna calmed me down and said I had already done a lot of work, so that was comforting, although no excuse to stop working.

Here are the things that were discussed:

Meeting Agenda:

·        First meeting to discuss everything about the project so far.
·        To discuss the appropriateness of the project aim and objectives.
·        Show all the work from semester 1 and discuss the next action steps.
·        Prepare the learning contract.
·        Discuss the proposal results and corrections.

Progress Report:

·        The project has a clear direction and it is clear what the next steps are.
·        A prototype of the game has been created early on.
·        There was a great body of work from first semester, now it is about creating the final project and spending time on that.
·        The proposal from last semester was well written and lays a great foundation for the project.
·        The research presented is on an interesting topic which can be of great academic use if applied correctly.

Agreed action points:

·        Create some small actionable goals for the next step/stage of your game.
·        Start drafting the dissertation out, even just the introduction.
·        Start collecting new research which expands on your proposal.
·        Build upon your learning contract for this semester and present it to Dayna.

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