Friday, 15 February 2013

Skill and Knowledge Holes

Skills and Knowledge Improvement

In order to successfully complete this project, there is a large amount of knowledge and practical skill needed to carry out the project to a high standard. To prevent the project from being of a lesser quality, I thought I would do a review and list all the areas which would benefit with further practice and development.

Project: Game Aesthetics: Systemic and Visual Significance.

Project Aim: How does gameplay design and art design impact the overall aesthetic experience of a game?

When I think about the areas that need to be developed for this certain project, 3 key areas stick out in reflection. These areas are certainly the areas of Programming (for game design), Art (for art design) and Writing (to clearly describe the results).

  1. To gain a moderate knowledge of programming/coding to carry out the full project (Systemic)
  2. To advance the polish of my personal art style and visual skills (Visual)
  3. To further develop my personal writing style (Research & Dissertation) 
I feel that if these areas are not improved within a personal level, then the final project I produce will not be of the highest standard I wish for it to be. In order for the project to go well, I need to assess the following areas which I feel I lack in and need a plan to tackle accordingly:

1. Gain a moderate knowledge of programming/coding to carry out the full project (Systemic)

Understanding of JavaScipt

In order to program the main parts of the Unity3D game so that the interaction of the game is not limited, as currently my understanding is minimal.

Understanding of C#

In order to tackle issues within the game that cannot be handled alone with Javascript within Unity, as I have no C# experience at this point.

Specific programming of Game Events

In order to program very specific parts of the game which requires game function knowledge, such as collision, collecting items, use of variables in games etc. This is essential as I have never programmed a game from the ground up before.

Understanding of programming Menus and Transitions

In order for the game to flow properly and for it to be a fully packaged game rather then just a 1 level prototype as I have yet to program a menu and understand little of it's importance.

2. Advance the polish of my personal art style and visual ability (Visual)

Defining Personal Art Style through Practice

To assist in expressing the importance of art and congruence in design pertaining to my project goal of significant art design as I feel my personal style has yet to flourish.

Life Drawing & Anatomy

To help develop my ability to convey the art with more polish as well as to understand the correct poses when animating as I feel I could improve here.

Character Design

To polish a key part of the art design which the user will interact with throughout the game as I have not fully advanced my character design skill-set.

Environment Design

To polish my level design ability as well as visual style of environment which I have never experimented with much before.

3. Develop my personal writing style to convey information in a succinct manner (Research and Dissertation)

Use of Exaggerated Language

According to my lecturer, I need to tone down my use of exaggerated language that has no academic backing as it doesn't seem as professional  especially within an academic sense. 

Succinct Writing

To get to the point more often within my writing and to stop waffling or uses too much complex language to explain a simple point which I do at times.

Clear Methodology

To be able to convey and express a more clear method of how the project is going to take place and what results will be discovered along the way as I can often get carried away with the findings and not in their presentation.

Literature and Research

Finally I feel I need to actively read more appropriate books to help my writing in general, as I feel this could help a lot.

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