Friday 4 January 2013

DESTONY: Development and Planning

Development and Planning of Destony

Before developing the prototype of Destony, a lot of planning and prior throughout needed to take place.

Starting off with a developed braitstorm of the game and what kind of aspects appealed to me as the designers. The highlighted words are the ones that most resonate with what i'd like to achieve. 

A list of the highlighted words listed.

Initial character design concepts for the developed main character.

Initial level design concepts, limiting the game to 3 main levels.

Further character development, it was decided to go for a school boy named Tony.

Here is some animation research of the game showing the animation cycles of the characters within the game.

The main story will be based on a boy who previously died and was not put to eternal rest but given the mission to help others find the light and achieve their dreams.

Promotional feel design, thinking about aspects of a poster design.

A design of a promotional poster for the game, keeping in mind the perspective and composition. 

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