Monday, 7 January 2013

DESTONY: Theoretic Planning

Theoretic Planning: Developing the concept

Before developing the game, it is imperative to make a list of things that actually need to be done for the game to be made. These things don't have to be final, although created a foundation for a game to be developed properly and consistently. As they say, the six 'P's': proper prior planning prevents poor performance.
The above was a task breakdown of Destony for what particular tasks needed to be done for the game to be accomplished. 

Listing the required software and the art style of the game as well as any other aspects that may be relevant. 

How was this game going to achieve Systemic and Aesthetic Significance? that was the main question, and I generally feel that this question would be answered properly after the case studies were developed and more research had taken place. Desipte this, I stated that the art style and the jump mechanic would be an essential part in creating such significance. 

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