Friday, 11 January 2013

Aesthetic Development: New Game: Destony

 After a lot of development work within my sketchbook, I came up with an idea for my honours project which I am very happy about and happy to explore in the future. After much development and concept work, it was time to finally get going with the more final concept work for the game. This process was made extremely easy due to the prior concept work that was put into the pre-production phase.

Game Branding: Logo

The logo for the game went through many iterations before it came to this stage. Before this logo was created, I followed the sketches from my sketchbook and created very block like text and they really didn't look like they suited the game or the idea of a 'destiny' theme. So after some iterations I created various different mash ups of fonts until I got to the stage where I realized that the text didn't look right because there was no light glow or positive colour to bring out the font. A lot of the attempts were with just the black glow and gave it quite a negative image. This was the final iteration 

Game Branding: Concept Art/ Promotional Art

After the logo was created, I moved on to creating the visual feel of the game through a piece of concept art. The colours weren't so clear at the start so a lot of refinements were made. In my mind I had a lot of colours which I thought would correlate well. Key colours that were often used were blue, black and white. These are the main colours which are used for the main characters outfit. The dark blocks are coloured with a very dark purple and a blue boundary which helps the user to see the block against darker environments. 

Game Art: In-Game Mock up art

Finally, to further illustrate the overall feel of the game, the only way to fully envision what the game is going to be like is to see the actual gameplay style or look. This mock up shows a very intermediate outlook of what this game will look like. I always knew in my mind that I wanted the environment to look unique and quirky as if it was in a dream world. Similar to a 'Pychonauts' feel of a game that really takes you away into a different world. The characters and the artwork also need to really mesh together well, which is what I really tried to focus on. It was also important to make sure that the colours and the features within the level do not clash too much and to dull the aspects which are too loud. In the end I think it really turned out quite well and all the material really speaks louder than words and all blend together well.

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