Thursday, 9 May 2013

Supervisor Meeting: Dissertation 2nd Draft Feedback

The last meeting with my supervisor before the submission. My supervisor has been a great help in assisting my growth and developing me as a student. The MDA framework, articles by Clint Hocking and a lot of relevant material was discovered due to my supervisors knowledge and research area which at time overlapped with my research so I am glad he was my supervisor and his critical opinion always makes me rethink my approach, particularly in writing and designing a worthwhile experience.

The last meeting consisted of a massive run down of my 2nd draft and the corrections and feedback. This took up the whole 30 minutes and it is evident that there is always room for improvement and being a perfectionist I try to improve and close the skill gaps, in this situation, particularly to do with the dissertation. The meeting ran over the allocated time although the next student Micheal was ok with waiting a little while longer as I showed Dayna the latest progress of my work. Overall he was happy with it and gave me some crucial feedback for the last week before hand in.

Here is what we discussed in detail:

 Meeting Agenda:

·        Dissertation 2nd draft corrections and feedback.
·        Dissertation word count and how to get it down.
·        Show your most recent .exe file of the game and ask for feedback.
·        Learning contract needs to be signed again.
·        Honours Project Supervisor Meeting diaries need to be checked before the hand in.
·        Honours project hand in Questions:
o   What is needed?
o   1st semester work included?
o   Include the blog? What sort of posts?

Progress Report:

·        The Dissertation was drafted a 2nd time to further maximise feedback and assist in creating a well-polished academic piece of writing.
·        The dissertation has improved and there is little or no use of hyperbole or any unsupported terms.
·        The game now has a main menu, options menu, credits, blinking eyes for the boxes, explosion animations and the collecting of items brings you to the next level.
·        A new promotional poster has been created to showcase the game and to improve my personal aesthetic ability as well as compliment the game.

Agreed action points:

·        Send a final version of the dissertation that is print ready before submission to double check for any major errors.
·        Try and cut down on the word count by putting the analysis of Tony Wings and Thomas was Alone into the appendix, or by rewriting a few sections to decrease the word count.
·        Restructure the placement of your methodology.
·        Create a video of the gameplay for you game as the markers may not have the right software to play your game and it would be easier for them to assess.
·        Print out your work in silk or matte, as shiny posters can distract from your work when there is too much glare.

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