Saturday 11 May 2013

My Game is Finally Finished

Hard work beats Talent, when Talent Fails to Work Hard

That is one thing I wholeheartedly believe in, it isn't about how talented you are or how much you know, it's about the mindset and attutude you have when you do whatever you do. In regards to coding, it was something of a dream to me, somehting I felt I could never do or even slightly fathom. The brackets, the syntax, variables, funcations etc etc., they all scared me away.

Now after 8 months of learning as well as struggling to use Unity 3D pretty much alone (of course the Unity community and Internet were instrumental in my development), I have learnt so much and think back to when I started this project thinking I should play it safe and just draw or just do concept art of design stuff so I can land an easy job. Thinking back to those thoughts I am glad I didn't opt out and stuck with creating my own game. 


Here is a video play-through of my finished game:

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