Wednesday 15 May 2013

Business Cards Arrived!

So today my business cards finally arrived, and it came 2 days early also. I am very happy with the way they turned out, sure does pay attention to detail and value professionalism within the way they present their business cards.

This was the box that came in the post, and it was actually delivered to the wrong place and the woman was nice enough to find me and hand it to me.

Opening of the box. Once opened, you see that there is a sample pack of all the other business cards they print as well as my 200 cards (which I think might have been too much) and a really nice and professional black box which holds around 50.

Finally, here is a close up of my cards, there are two different versions, the one with my character and the one with the User Interface. One is more for graphic design and general 2D artwork and the other is for UI, particularly for games.  

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