Friday 17 May 2013

Dissertation Printed!

So today, I handed in my dissertation and the feeling of relief was amazing and now I feel so much more free and able to relax a little bit. It has been 4 months in the making since I started my dissertation and to finally see it printed in a tangible form beings a lot of joy and almost a tear to my eye.

Here is what an Abertay printed and bound dissertation looks like. I actually paid £38.80 for 3 copies including the use of a £4 voucher I received from filling in an Abertay survey. Quite expensive, although I got every single page printed in colour 0.25p per page as opposed to 0.03p for black and white

A close up of the title page which needed to be sent in separately as a word doc so they can re-position it.  

The list of tables and list of figures which I added in towards the end to make it easier to find the where the images were.

What the colour printed sections looked like.

Some more images I added of my game once better screen shots were taken.

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