Saturday, 23 March 2013

Pitch Presentation No.4


My last presentation of this year was a useful experience in which I could see my prject finally taking off as I finally have a game up and running. It certainly isn't perfect, although as an artist with no programming experience I feel quite pleased with myself and the end result.

The presentation went well and Lynn said that I "presented very well as always" which is always encouraging to hear as a student. I feel that after each time I give a presentation, I improve every time. Just before a presentation I am extremely nervous and dread going up there, but once you just stand up and start speaking and are confident in what you are talking about, then there is no need to fear and you just talk with passion about what you have been up to and share your thoughts.

I talked about Dayna's previous framework which had inspired me to speed up the process of the creation of my own framework. Through a lot of academic research and with the assistance of the MDA framework which I discussed earlier, i was able to create my own framework.

It is named the Mechanics and Aesthetics framework, which displays the traits of what create the subjective aspects of a game in an objective way. 

Here is the framework applied to Tiny Wings, evidently, the challenge and feel are aspects which it excels at. This was rated after a few short plays and an in depth case study will take place later.

The main meat of the presentation was the updated creation of my game: Destony which is now running. I played a video of the game running during the presentation and people seemed to like it. You cannot yet collect the white block, although this feature will be added in the future.


General feedback was very positive, Lynn suggested that I create blinking eyes for the blocks to make them more interesting. Ryan wasn't so sure about the direction of my project anymore as it has changed a lot since it's inception. Although despite that, the feedback was very positive and they said to just keeping going and polishing the game and the theory coming up to the final hand ins and exhibition.


  • Great that you have the game working.
  • The art has significantly improved and is easier on the eyes. 
  • You present very well as always.
  • Your theory is really strong behind your game, it would be nice to see how you can package that in the end product of your game and showcase.

Constructive Criticism:

  • Make sure you know how you will package the whole concept and theory at the end of the semester.
  • Create blinking eyes for the blocks to make them more interesting.
  • It would be interesting if you could use that framework on a game which actually scores high on freedom so that the results can be more varied.

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