Sunday 21 October 2012

Mechanic Development: Corona SDK 2

Continuing to use Corona SDK, I came across an interesting  tutorial which explains the very fundamentals of how to get a running game to work, this helped me a lot in learning what aspects comprise of the very simple concept of an endless runner game, which are actually a lot more complex in application and theory.

The whole process takes roughly 10 hours or so from starting from scratch to actually publishing your app onto the App Store. I don't have the official Corona SDK application so I only created the final game using the tutorial although found it quite difficult at times. One small mistake or misspelling in the code and everything stops running as usual.

Step 1 helps you to get used to Corona and it's functions which you will use through out the tutorial.

Step 2 takes you through the initial procedure of creating a background that moves slowly along with a moving platform with very basic coding.

Step 3 gets you used to using the sprites and setting up the correct position.

Step 4 takes you through how to get the sprite to interact with the game and allows you to be able to fall into the gaps in the floor.

Step 5 is all about adding events into the game which includes changing the running tempo of the game as well as making the platform change height as if goes up and down to increase the difficulty.

Step 6 includes the addition of spiky obstacles and enemies within the game that have a collision barrier which kill your character. These are randomly generated throughout.

Step 7 involves the addition of a Gamer Over menu and added score tracking of your progress throughout the game.

Step 8 brings in a Boss Battle which takes place every 30 seconds or so to again increase the difficulty and allow you to have a feel of what can be done to a game to make it more appealing. 

Step 9 is all about adding the starting game menu of the game, otherwise the game is not so coherent and the user will not get a starting sense of the game. 

Step 10 runs you through the App Store publishing process and all the legal and technical aspects you need to get through before you submit your app. 

Upon following all of these different processes I learn a great deal more about what it really takes to program a game from scratch and learning a new programming language with little programming experience. Creating games is definitely not child play and involves a lot of innovation and creativity which a lot of people lack the time or patience for. I believe that this is the reason why games are such a niche experience and that it really takes effort and perseverance to achieve. Understanding this I really want to set myself up correctly for my final project so that I am realistic about what can actually be achieved. 

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